
Virtual frog dissection website
Virtual frog dissection website

virtual frog dissection website

The following worksheet is a submit-able assignment with the questions from the lab. There are questions within the lab but no way to submit them to the instructor. This virtual dissection program allows them to simulate the same cuts made in an actual dissection. There is a great virtual frog dissection lab online that is perfect for biology and anatomy students.


Students are not just shown how to perform a frog dissection. Using Surface Tablets, Coach Collins and his students with the help of Ms Cameron walked through the dissection process digitally so that students already had an idea of the process and what to expect later in the week. The interactive Digital Frog 2.5 allows students to perform a virtual frog dissection by using a digital scalpel. One special component we added this year was a virtual frog dissection. It was a great opportunity and a memorable week for our 7th graders in science class! Dissection is certainly gross to some of our students, but once they got into it, many students were fascinated by the process. Granted, a frog’s body is very different from a humans. Frogs have lungs, a heart, stomach and intestines just like us.

virtual frog dissection website virtual frog dissection website

In this activity, you will dissect a frog. Students then cut into the abdomen, peeling back layers of skin, then muscle, to examine the organs. SNC2D/P Name: Stradwick Lab: Virtual Frog Dissection Introduction: Dissection is the act of taking something apart for the purpose of examination. Students began class by examining their specimen and making observations. The dissections that we do brings all of this together and they get a hands on look at how all of the systems we have studied work together.” “We start with the cell, which is the smallest unit of life, and take it all the way to an organism. “Dissection is the culminating event of the year that brings together all that we have studied,” says David Collins, 7th grade science teacher. These two labs are a capstone to what students have been learning in class all year. Our 7th grade students dissected worms and frogs in science class this week.

Virtual frog dissection website